Saturday, September 21, 2024

DENR Seeks Protection Of Migratory Bird Sites In E. Visayas


DENR Seeks Protection Of Migratory Bird Sites In E. Visayas


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The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has asked local government units to step up efforts in the conservation of migratory bird sites in Eastern Visayas.

The DENR has strongly recommended the passage of a local government resolution formally declaring as migratory bird sites in those areas where migrating birds are regularly observed.

“The passage of a municipal resolution declaring these as migratory bird sites will empower local government units to have a direct management of its protection and conservation,” said DENR regional office development manager officer Ingelina Lantajo in a statement on Monday.

The DENR reiterated this call to local governments to take active participation and conservation of migratory bird sites as the agency participates in the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) for the year.

AWC forms part of the International Waterbird Census, which takes place every January of each year. This is in support of the conservation and management effort of wetlands and waterbirds worldwide.

In Eastern Visayas, DENR has identified seven bird sites in the provinces of Leyte, Southern Leyte, Samar, and Eastern Samar, where the presence of diverse and numerous species of migratory birds was documented.

These are the Ormoc Bay Wetlands in Ormoc City, Lake Bito Inland Wetland in MacArthur town, Carigara Bay Wetlands in Carigara and Barugo; and the Tres Marias Islands in Palompon, all in Leyte province.

Outside Leyte, these sites are Southern Leyte Bird Sanctuary in St. Bernard, Southern Leyte; Maqueda Bay Wetlands within the towns of Motiong, Jiabong, and Paranas in Samar; and Guiuan Intertidal Flats in Eastern Samar.

Most migratoy birds consistently found on the identified bird sites were Philippine Duck, Little Egret, Greenshank, Purple Heron, Common Sandpiper, Whiskered Tern, Great Knot, Whimbrel, Lesser sand Plover, Terek Sandpiper, Rufous night Heron, Kentish Plover, Intermediate Egret, Common Tern. Moorhen, Grey Heron, Javan pond Heron and Black-winged Stilt.

“Just like last year, there was a noted decrease in the number of migratory birds counted although the same types of species were identified. Since there was no apparent denudation of mangroves forest and degradation of their wetland habitat, we can surmise that the typhoons of last year may have forced the migratory birds to shift to other sites for their food and roosting place,” Lantajo added.

The annual AWC is conducted mainly to monitor the population, as well as the changes in waterbird numbers and distribution by regular and standardized counts of representative wetlands. It is also an activity meant to increase the awareness of the communities on the importance of wetlands, considered as the kidneys of the earth and as the natural habitats of these birds. (PNA)